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Book Chapters Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2016). Interactive Whiteboards and Language Learning. In: Farr, F. & Murray, L. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. London: Routledge, 281-295. Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Cvetkovic, Anita (2016). Digitale Medien im Englischunterricht der Grundschule. In: Peschel, M. & Irion, T. (Hrsg.). Neue Medien in der Grundschule 2.0. Frankfurt: Grundschulverband, 178-188. Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Whyte, Shona (2015). Teaching young Learners with technology. In Bland, J. (Ed.). Teaching English to Young Learners: Critical Issues in Language Teaching with 3-12 Year Olds. London: Bloomsbury, 239-259. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2015). Bridging the gap between school and university in CALL teacher education. In Reis, C., & Santos, W. (Eds.). Formação de Professores de Línguas em Múltiplos Contextos: Construindo Pontes de Saberes e Agenciamentos. Coleção Educação e Linguagem. Campinas: Editora Pontes, 76-101. Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Whyte, Shona (2014). Ongoing professional development in IWB mediated language teaching: evening up the odds. In Cutrim Schmid, E., & Whyte, S. (Eds.) Teaching languages with technology: communicative approaches to interactive whiteboard use. A resource book for teacher development. London: Bloomsbury, 243-259. Whyte, Shona & Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2014). A task-based approach to video communication with the IWB: a French-German primary EFL class exchange. In Cutrim Schmid, E., & Whyte, S. (Eds.). Teaching languages with technology: communicative approaches to interactive whiteboard use. A resource book for teacher development. London: Bloomsbury, 50-79. Sailer, Helene, Cutrim Schmid, Euline. & Koenraad, Ton (2014). The IWB in the CLIL classroom: using visuals to foster active learning with young beginners. In Cutrim Schmid, E., & Whyte, S. (Eds.) Teaching languages with technology: communicative approaches to interactive whiteboard use. A resource book for teacher development. London: Bloomsbury, 129-158. Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Montanari, Elke (2012). Language Classroom Research - Fremdsprachenunterrichtsforschung. In: Kilian, J. und Rymarczyk, J. (Eds.) Sprachdidaktik. Erstsprache, Zweitsprache, Fremdsprache. Ein Lern- und Konsultationswörterbuch mit systematischer Einleitung und englischer Übersetzung. Berlin: de Gruyter. Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Montanari, Elke (2012). Beobachtung, Befragung, Fragetechnik, Videoaufnahme, Audioaufnahme. In: Kilian, J. und Rymarczyk, J. (Eds.) Sprachdidaktik. Erstsprache, Zweitsprache, Fremdsprache. Ein Lern- und Konsultationswörterbuch mit systematischer Einleitung und englischer Übersetzung. Berlin: de Gruyter. Cutrim Schmid, Euline & van Hazebrouck, Sanderin (2012). Material Development and Task Design for the Interactive Whiteboard in the Foreign Language Classroom. In Biebighäuser, K., Zibelius, M. & Schmidt, T. (Eds.) Aufgaben 2.0 – Konzepte, Materialien und Methoden für das Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen mit digitalen Medien. Tübingen: Narr. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Estelle Schimmack (2010). First Steps towards a Model of Interactive Whiteboard Training for Language Teachers. In Thomas, M. and Cutrim Schmid, E. (Eds) Interactive Whiteboards: Theory, Research and Practice. IGI Global, USA. [link]&xnbsp;&xnbsp;&xnbsp;
Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2009). The Pedagogical Potential of Interactive Whiteboards
2.0. In Thomas, M. (Ed) The Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and
Second Language Learning. IGI Global, USA. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2008). Interactive Whiteboards and the Normalisation of CALL. In de Cassia, Rita; Morriott, Veiga; Torres, Patricia Luipon (Ed.): Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition. IGI Global, USA. [link] &xnbsp;&xnbsp;&xnbsp; Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2008). Facilitating Whole-Class Collaborative Learning in the English Language Classroom: the Potential of Interactive Whiteboard Technology. In Müller-Hartmann, A. & Schocker-v. Ditfurth, M. (Eds.). Aufgabenorientiertes Lernen und Lehren mit Medien: Ansätze, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Frankfurt/ Main u.a.: Peter Lang. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Hegelheimer, Volker (2014). Collaborative research projects in the technology-enhanced language classroom: Pre-service and in-service teachers exchange knowledge about technology. ReCALL, Vol 26, no. 3, pp. 315 – 332. Cambridge University Press.
Whyte, Shona; Cutrim Schmid,
Euline; van Hazebrouck, Sanderine & Oberhofer, Margret (2014).
Open educational resources for CALL
teacher education: the iTILT interactive whiteboard project.
Computer Assisted Language
Learning, Vol 27, no 2, pp. 122-148. Elsevier. [link]
Cutrim Schmid, Euline &
Whyte, Shona (2012). Interactive
Whiteboards in State School Settings: Teacher Responses to
Socio-constructivist Hegemonies. Language Learning and Technology,
Vol. 16, no. 2: pp. 65-86. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2011). Video-Stimulated Reflection as a Professional Development Tool in Interactive Whiteboard Research. ReCALL, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 252-270. Cambridge University Press. [link] [pdf] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2010). Developing competencies for using the interactive whiteboard to implement communicative language teaching in the English as a Foreign Language classroom. In Technology, Pedagogy and Education, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 159-172. Routledge. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2008). Potential pedagogical benefits and drawbacks of multimedia use in the English language classroom equipped with interactive whiteboard technology. In Computers and Education. Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 1553-1568. Elsevier. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2008). Using a Voting System in Conjunction with Interactive Whiteboard Technology to Enhance Learning in the English Language Classroom. In Computers and Education, Vol. 50, pp. 338-356. Elsevier. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2007). Enhancing Performance Knowledge and Self-Esteem in Classroom Language Learning:&xnbsp; the Potential of the ACTIVote System Component of Interactive Whiteboard Technology. In System, Vol. 35, pp. 119-133. Elsevier. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2006). Investigating the Use of Interactive Whiteboard Technology in the Language Classroom through the Lens of a Critical Theory of Technology. In Computer Assisted Language Learning, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 47-62. Routledge. [link] [pdf] Cutrim Schmid, E. & Whyte, Shona (2014). Making friends through technology: computer-assisted video communication in the primary EFL classroom: a German-French exchange. Take Off! Englisch für die Grundschule, Heft 3, pp. 44-45. [link] Meister, Timo & Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2013). Promoting and supporting language development in multilingual and multicultural early childhood settings: Findings of the TODDLER project.Comenius Journal, vol 22, pp. 19-22. [pdf] Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Van Hazebrouck, Sanderin (2010). The interactive whiteboard as a digital hub. In Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht, Vol. 2010, No. 4, pp. 12-16. Oldenbourg. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Stetter, Carolin (2008). Houses of the future: mit dem whiteboard das will-future üben.Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (Heft Web 2.0), Vol. 96. Erhard Friedrich Verlag. [link] [pdf] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2011). Review of G. Lewis, Bringing Technology into the Classroom. In ELT Journal, Vol. 65 (2011): pp. 89-91. Oxford University Press. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2008). Review of G. Dudeney & N. Hockly, How to Teach English with Technology; and P. Sharma & B. Barrett,Blended Learning. In ELT Journal, Vol. 62 (2008): pp. 422-424. Oxford University Press. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2014). Bridging the gap between school and university in CALL teacher education. Keynote presented at the PL-CALL conference, Warsaw, Poland, June 2014. [link to video] Whyte, Shona, Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Beauchamp, Gary (2014). Analysing target language interaction in IWB-mediated activities: from drills to tasks in state secondary EFL classes. Paper presented at EUROCALL Groningen, Netherlands, August 2014. Whyte, Shona; Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Beauchamp, Gary (2014). Second language interaction with interactive technologies: the IWB in state school foreign language classrooms. Paper presented at the AILA conference, Brisbane, Australia, August 2014. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Whyte, Shona (2014). Computer-assisted Video Communication in the Primary EFL Classroom: A German-French Exchange. Paper presented at the 2nd E & M Bundeskongress Frankfurt 2014. Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt, March 2014. [link] Koenraad, Ton, Whyte, Shona & Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2013). iTILT and SMARTVET: 2 EU projects to promote effective interactive whiteboard use in language and vocational education. Paper presented at EUROCALL Conference. Evora, Portugal, September 2013, Proceedings. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Meister, Timo (2013). Promoting and supporting language development in multilingual and multicultural early childhood settings. Paper presented at the TODDLER conference. Artevelde University College Ghent. Ghent, Belgium, October 2013. [link] Whyte, Shona & Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2013). Live communication using interactive technologies for young learners: a French-German EFL tandem task. Paper presented at EuroCALL 2013, Evora, Portugal, September 2013. [link] Cutrim Schmid, Euline, Oberhofer, Margret., & Van Hazebrouck, Sanderin (2012). Developing criteria for the design and evaluation of interactive whiteboard based materials: Intermediate findings from the iTILT project. Paper presented at EuroCALL 2012, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 2012. Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Koenraad. Ton (2012). Exploring the potential of the Interactive Whiteboard for CLIL classrooms. Paper presented at the CLIL 2012: From Practice to Visions Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, April 2012. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2011). The development of language teachers’ expertise in exploiting the interactive whiteboard towards a socio-cognitive approach to computer assisted language learning. Paper presented at the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) Conference, Beijing, China, August 2011. Whyte, S., Cutrim Schmid, E., & van Hazebrouck, S. (2011). Designing IWB Resources for Language Teaching: the iTILT Project. Paper presented at the International Conference on ICT for Language Learning, 4th Edition, Florence, Italy, October 2011. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2010). Video-Stimulated Reflective Dialogues in Second Language Teacher Education Research". Paper presented at the EUROCALL Teacher Education SIG Workshop, at the Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique, Lyon, France, May 2010. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2009). Collaborative Action Research Projects in the Technology-enhanced Language Classroom: Pre-service and In-service Teachers Exchange Knowledge about Technology. Paper presented at the DGFF Conference, University of Leipzig, Germany, October 2009. Cutrim Schmid, Euline & Koenraad, Ton (2009). Using Interactive Whiteboards to Support Learner-centred Approaches to Language Teaching and Learning. Paper presented at the EUROCALL Conference, Valencia, Spain, September 2009. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2009). Developing Competencies for Using the Interactive Whiteboard to implement Communicative Language Teaching in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom. Paper presented at the RITWIT Conference, University of Cambridge, U.K., June 2009. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2008). Investigating technology integration into the English Curriculum in German secondary schools with a focus on teachers’ perspectives. Paper presented at the WorldCALL Conference, University of Fukuoka, Japan, August 2008. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2007). Integrating ICT into the English Curriculum in German Secondary Schools through the Use of Interactive Whiteboard Technology. Paper presented at the 22. Kongress fuer Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Fremsprachenforschung (DGFF). University of Giessen (Germany), 3-6 October 2007. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2007). Interactive Whiteboard Technology: A Further Step towards the Normalisation of CALL?&xnbsp; Paper presented at the EUROCALL Conference: Mastering Multimedia: Teaching Languages Through Technology. University of Ulster (Northern Ireland), 5-8 September 2007. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2006). Learner response systems as pedagogical tools in the English language Classroom.Paper presented at the Global Education Summit, Windsor (U.K.), November 2006. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2006). Pedagogical gains and challenges faced by teachers and students while exploring multimedia in the technology enhanced language classroom.Paper presented at the EUROCALL Conference: Integrating CALL into Study Programmes. University of Granada (Spain), 4-7 September 2006.
Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2006). “Promoting Higher
Levels of Learner Active Participation in the Language Classroom with
Interactive Whiteboard Technology.” Paper presented at the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG -
Learning Technologies in the Language Classroom: A step closer to the
future. University of Cyprus (Cyprus), 26-28 May 2006. Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2004). Promoting Learner Autonomy through the Use of Interactive Whiteboard Technology. Paper presented at theTAAAL First International Conference: ICTs and Autonomy Applied to Language Learning, Castello de La Plana, Spain, 24-26 May 2004.
Cutrim Schmid, Euline (2004). An Investigation
into the Use of Interactive Whiteboard Technology in an English for Academic Purposes/Study Skills
Programme. Paper presented at the BALEAP (British Association of Lecturers of
English for Academic Purposes) Professional Issues Meeting,
Blended Learning: Pedagogy and Practice, Brookes University, Oxford, 28
February 2004. Monographs
Cutrim Schmid,
Euline (2005). An Investigation into
the Use of Interactive Whiteboard Technology in the Language Classroom:
A Critical Theory of Technology Perspective.
Cutrim, Euline
(2002). Traditional
Learning with Advanced Technologies? Communicative and Pedagogical
Challenges in Online Environments.
Cutrim, Euline
(1999). The Construction
of Learner Autonomy through the Teaching of Vocabulary: An Action
Research. |
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